WYLDHUNT's previous incarnation took the form of a crypto dev-team. Timing the 2021 bull cycle, the team saw their coin catapult to an 8 figure market cap. Celebration was short-lived however, as growth tapered off shortly after. Further marketing and utility development no longer brought in new holders, projects with new tokenomicswere flooding into the market. No amount of TImes Square ads or partnerships could compete with the exponential gains from riding the next pump on a freshly launched token.
Time to branch out, to venture out into the unexplored and undiscovered
Those of us experienced in marketing looked to the broader market for new investment. Our brand, while great for rallying and generating hype, was not as well positioned to target mainstream investors used to stocks and bonds. For this more reserved class of investors to take us seriously, we had to mature the brand image and sanitize our digital footprints to preserve the new brand message.
WYLDHUNT prepares tokens for mainstream adoption
Those of us familiar with the east looked to the asian markets for new invstment. We researched differences in investment culture, who investors trust for advice, and what they want to see in a coin. To this end, we developed different market entry strategies unique to different regions of Asia. Partnerships with Crypto-Influencers to access the massive investment clubs of China. Expediting exchange listings to access the highly centralized investment culture of South Korea. Affiliate-marketing campaigns to access the close-knit community of the Philippines.
WYLDHUNT leverages a global network of professionals to bridge the gap between east and west
Those of us experienced in technology and commerce looked to institutions for new investment. We reached out to the most distant corners of our professions to appraise institutional appetite for altcoin investments. We identified a lack of standardized valuation methodology and regulatory uncertainty are the main roadblocks to institutional investors. To remediate this, we developed a comprehensive audit-framework for Solidity&Oracle contracts as well as wallet-tracing methods to establish a "credit history" for crypto.
WYLDHUNT develops frameworks to evaluate the investment grade of new cryptocurrencies
After securing our growth, we reasoned that other projects to reach our size would inevitably look to new sources of growth as we had. We just did it first. We did the research, we did the backtesting, we know the value in what we have attained. As our development side continues to work on our token's utility, those of us with more bandwidth got together to organize our assets. Our collective knowledge codified into an internal knowledge base, CARNIVAL. Our infrastructure laid the foundation for ARAWN and OBERON, modular toolkits for crypto projects.
WYLDHUNT offers turnkey solutions, enabling altcoins to tap into new pools of capital